Homma Takashi, from the series THE NARCISSISTIC CITY, 2013
New York  from the series THE NARCISSISTIC CITY  2013 ©Takashi Homma Courtesy of TARO NASU

Revolution 9: Homma Takashi

Oct. 6, 2023Jan. 21, 2024

  • Oct. 6, 2023Jan. 21, 2024
  • Closed Mondays (except when Monday falls on a holiday, in which case the museum is open and closed the following day), New Year’s holidays
  • Admission:Adults ¥700 (560)/College Students ¥560 (440)/High School and Junior High School Students, Over 65 ¥350 (280) *Prices in parenthesis apply to groups of 20 or more. (Reservation is required.) , admission is free for grade school children or younger; junior high school students living or attending schools in the Tokyo metropolitan area and holders of Japan’s disability identification cards (shogaisha techo) together with two caregiver, and holders of the museum’s annual passport (check the Passport benefits at a glance)

Homma Takashi (born in Tokyo in 1962) received the 24th Kimura Ihei Award for his photo book Tokyo Suburbia (published by Korinsha) in 1999. The work was highly acclaimed for Homma’s way of maintaining a certain distance from his subjects – people and landscapes in the suburbs of Tokyo that were in the process of being developed – and a perspective that was free of lyricism.

In 2011 and 2012, Homma staged a large-scale solo show called New Documentary, which traveled to three museums in Japan. The exhibition consisted of both old and new works, providing an expansive overview of the artist’s photographs and videos. These included his early work for publications such as the cultural magazine i-D; Tokyo and My Daughter, a work that focused on scenes of Tokyo and a young girl growing up in the ever-changing city; and a video work based on the photographer Nakahira Takuma.

This exhibition, Homma’s first solo show at a Japanese museum in some ten years, focuses on series such as The Narcissistic City, which the artist has described as an attempt to “use the city to shoot the city” by shooting cities around the world using rooms as if they were pinhole cameras. The light that streams into through a small hole, open to the outside, spontaneously captures inverted urban landscapes inside the pitch-black room.

Improvisation is one of the keywords in the exhibition. Homma is currently interested incorporating chance into his works and exhibitions, and the English title of this exhibition, Revolution 9 (the letters of which also appear in one of the works on display), serves as an homage to the famous song of the same name by the English rock band the Beatles. The collage-like piece was made by combining a variety of sound sources.

The exhibition traces Homma’s radical approaches to photographic and video expression to the present day by introducing his works from the last decade.

Revolution  from the series THE NARCISSISTIC CITY  2013 ©Takashi Homma Courtesy of TARO NASU

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Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum  from the siries THE NARCISSISTIC CITY  2013 ©Takashi Homma Courtesy of TARO NASU

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abstract 1  2014 ©Takashi Homma Courtesy of TARO NASU

No.9  from the series THE NARCISSISTIC CITY  2015 ©Takashi Homma Courtesy of TARO NASU

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mount FUJI 9/3  from the series Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji  2016 ©Takashi Homma Courtesy of TARO NASU

*The schedule is subject to change. Any further changes will be announced.

Organized by Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum operated by Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture